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Bad Love: Why Did Fri Kill Kyle?

Bad Love: Why Did Fri Kill Kyle?

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45/1000 Votes
Documentary 2022

A documentary exploring the story of Fri Martin, who in 2014, killed her childhood sweetheart and the father of her children, Kyle Farrell, following an argument in her kitchen in Toxteth, Liverpool. Claiming self-defense at her trial, what really happened? Bad Love: Why Did Fri Kill Kyle? is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy in the UK but you can add it to your want to see list for updates in the UK. It's a documentary film with an average IMDb audience rating of 6.4 (9 votes).

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'Bad Love: Why Did Fri Kill Kyle?' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere

Currently, Bad Love: Why Did Fri Kill Kyle? is available in the UK

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:01:27 AM, 04/19/2024 PST


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