Making Fiends
Making Fiends is a short-lived American comedy horror animated television series. Based upon a web series with the same name, the series premiered on October 4, 2008 on Nicktoons, and on March 7, 2009 on Nickelodeon. The series follows the evil, but dim-witted Vendetta and the new happy girl, Charlotte, at school in the gloomy town of Clamburg. Vendetta hates Charlotte and tries to destroy her in each and every episode.The series is created by Amy Winfrey. She voices Charlotte and her grandmother Charlene, among other characters. Character designer Aglaia Mortcheva is the voice of Vendetta. All of the voice actors from the web cartoon reprise their roles for the TV series, with the addition of a new castmember and crewmember, Dave WassonThe series premiered with no promotion or press release. At one point, it was the highest rated original program on Nicktoons. Despite positive reviews and good ratings, the show was abruptly cancelled after airing just six episodes. Making Fiends featuring Fred Tatasciore has one or more episodes available for purchase on Apple TV, and available for purchase on Prime Video. It's an animation and children show with 6 episodes over 1 season. Making Fiends is no longer running and has no plans to air new episodes or seasons. It has a high IMDb audience rating of 8.0 (522 votes).
Where to Watch
Available to rent or buy
It is possible to buy Making Fiends on Prime Video, and Apple TV.
More Information on Making Fiends
Making Fiends is a short-lived American comedy horror animated television series. Based upon a web series with the same name, the series premiered on October 4, 2008 on Nicktoons, and on March 7, 2009 on Nickelodeon. The series follows the evil, but dim-witted Vendetta and the new happy girl, Charlotte, at school in the gloomy town of Clamburg. Vendetta hates Charlotte and tries to destroy her in each and every episode.The series is created by Amy Winfrey. She voices Charlotte and her grandmother Charlene, among other characters. Character designer Aglaia Mortcheva is the voice of Vendetta. All of the voice actors from the web cartoon reprise their roles for the TV series, with the addition of a new castmember and crewmember, Dave WassonThe series premiered with no promotion or press release. At one point, it was the highest rated original program on Nicktoons. Despite positive reviews and good ratings, the show was abruptly cancelled after airing just six episodes. Making Fiends featuring Fred Tatasciore has one or more episodes available for purchase on Apple TV, and available for purchase on Prime Video. It's an animation and children show with 6 episodes over 1 season. Making Fiends is no longer running and has no plans to air new episodes or seasons. It has a high IMDb audience rating of 8.0 (522 votes).
Ratings & Reviews
The Reelgood Score is a comprehensive weighted index designed to evaluate movie & TV quality, deriving its value from a blend of Reelgood user engagement, external ratings metrics expressed through content popularity, and user feedback, including ratings such as "loved," "liked," and "disliked." The score is presented on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 signifies content that is highly esteemed and positively rated within the community.
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Making Fiends Season 1 Overview
Oct 4, 2008 - Nov 22, 2008Season 1 of Making Fiends has 6 episodes that are available for Rent or Purchase on Prime Video, Apple TV.
Making Fiends Season 1 Episodes
S01 E16Tornado
Nov 22, 2008Vendetta makes a tornado fiend to destroy Charlotte's house, but unintentionally attaches it to her own house. Charlotte's antics eventually...
S01 E16 of Making Fiends is available for Rent or Purchase on Prime Video, Apple TV.
S01 E13 Parentnapped
Nov 15, 2008Vendetta is angry at her parents for picnicking with Charlotte. She sends Grudge to bring them home, but he comes...
S01 E13 of Making Fiends is available for Rent or Purchase on Prime Video, Apple TV.
S01 E10 Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!
Nov 8, 2008Desperate to keep Charlotte away, Vendetta uses her fiend multiplier to make a pack of vicious guard dogs. To her...
S01 E10 of Making Fiends is available for Rent or Purchase on Prime Video, Apple TV.