Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is a Japanese anime television series directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, with screenplay written by Masaki Tsuzuki, and produced by Seven Arcs. It forms part of the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series. The Japanese Association of Independent Television Stations broadcast thirteen episodes between October and December 2004. The series is a spin-off of the Triangle Heart series and its story follows a young girl named Nanoha Takamachi who decides to help a young mage named Yūno to recover a set of twenty-one artifacts named the "Jewel Seeds".Masaki Tsuzuki adapted the series into a novel, which Megami Bunko published in August 2005. King Records has adapted several soundtracks and drama CDs from the series. A sequel to the anime series titled Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's produced by Seven Arcs premiered in Japan on October 2005, broadcast on Chiba TV. A film adaptation of the anime series, also by Seven Arcs, was released in theaters on January 23, 2010, accompanied by a manga series which was serialized in Megami Magazine between November 2009 and March 2011.Geneon Entertainment licensed the anime series for English-language dubbed release in North America at Anime Expo 2007. Due to Geneon switching distribution labels between September 2007 and July 2008, Funimation Entertainment distributed the series approximately one and a half years after the announcement of the licensing. Many production-credits for the English-language dubbed release were missing. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha featuring Ai Shimizu and Asami Sanada is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can track it for updates. It's an action & adventure and drama show with 64 episodes over 4 seasons. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is no longer running and has no plans to air new episodes or seasons. It has a better than average IMDb audience rating of 6.8 (224 votes).
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More Information on Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is a Japanese anime television series directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, with screenplay written by Masaki Tsuzuki, and produced by Seven Arcs. It forms part of the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series. The Japanese Association of Independent Television Stations broadcast thirteen episodes between October and December 2004. The series is a spin-off of the Triangle Heart series and its story follows a young girl named Nanoha Takamachi who decides to help a young mage named Yūno to recover a set of twenty-one artifacts named the "Jewel Seeds".Masaki Tsuzuki adapted the series into a novel, which Megami Bunko published in August 2005. King Records has adapted several soundtracks and drama CDs from the series. A sequel to the anime series titled Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's produced by Seven Arcs premiered in Japan on October 2005, broadcast on Chiba TV. A film adaptation of the anime series, also by Seven Arcs, was released in theaters on January 23, 2010, accompanied by a manga series which was serialized in Megami Magazine between November 2009 and March 2011.Geneon Entertainment licensed the anime series for English-language dubbed release in North America at Anime Expo 2007. Due to Geneon switching distribution labels between September 2007 and July 2008, Funimation Entertainment distributed the series approximately one and a half years after the announcement of the licensing. Many production-credits for the English-language dubbed release were missing. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha featuring Ai Shimizu and Asami Sanada is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can track it for updates. It's an action & adventure and drama show with 64 episodes over 4 seasons. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is no longer running and has no plans to air new episodes or seasons. It has a better than average IMDb audience rating of 6.8 (224 votes).
Suzuka Tsukimura
Ai Shimizu
Asami Sanada
Farin K. Ehrlichkeit
Asuka Tanii
Lindy Harlaown
Aya Hisakawa
Subaru Nakajima
Chiwa Saitō
Raising Heart
Donna Burke
Momoko Takamachi
Erika Amano
Kyōya Takamachi
Hikaru Midorikawa
Hayate Yagami
Kana Ueda
Yūno Scrya
Kaori Mizuhashi
Kaori Shimizu
Shiro Takamachi
Kazuya Ichijō
Jail Scaglietti
Ken Narita
Kevin J England
Erio Mondial
Marina Inoue
Chrono Haraoun
Mikako Takahashi
Shinobu Tsukimura
Miyu Matsuki
Teana Lanster
Nakahara Mai
Fate Testarossa
Nana Mizuki
Carim Gracia
Nao Takamori
Precia Testarossa
Rei Igarashi
Alisa Bannings
Rie Kugimiya
Ryoka Yuzuki
Miyuki Takamachi
Ryoko Shiraishi
Chrono Haraoun
Tomokazu Sugita
Yokote Kumiko
Nanoha Takamachi
Yukari Tamura
Amy Limiette
Yuki Matsuoka
Ratings & Reviews
The Reelgood Score is a comprehensive weighted index designed to evaluate movie & TV quality, deriving its value from a blend of Reelgood user engagement, external ratings metrics expressed through content popularity, and user feedback, including ratings such as "loved," "liked," and "disliked." The score is presented on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 signifies content that is highly esteemed and positively rated within the community.
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Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Season 4 Overview
Apr 3, 2015 - Jun 19, 2015Season 4 of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha has 12 episodes that are not available to stream or rent on any services. Track the series to get notified when an episode becomes available on your services.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Season 4 Episodes
S04 E12Conclusion's Purpose
Jun 19, 2015Einhart feels bad after defeating Corona and her previous opponents, but Nove teaches her the meaning of winning and losing...
S04 E12 of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is not available to stream or rent on any services. Track the series to get notified when it becomes available on your services.
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S04 E11 Hegemon's Fist, Creator's Desire
Jun 12, 2015After a fierce battle, Einhart defeats Corona.
S04 E11 of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is not available to stream or rent on any services. Track the series to get notified when it becomes available on your services.
Not Available
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S04 E10 For Victory!
Jun 5, 2015With the third round approaching, Vivio is scheduled to fight against Miura while Einhart and Corona must face against each...
S04 E10 of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is not available to stream or rent on any services. Track the series to get notified when it becomes available on your services.
Not Available
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