Game of Thrones
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More Information on Game of Thrones Season 4
Nine noble families fight for control over the lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after being dormant for millennia. Game of Thrones featuring Kit Harington and Iain Glen has one or more episodes streaming on MAX, available for purchase on Prime Video, available for purchase on Microsoft Store, and 2 others. It's a drama and fantasy show with 74 episodes over 8 seasons. Game of Thrones is no longer running and has no plans to air new episodes or seasons. It was very well received by critics.
Jon Snow
Kit Harington
Sir Jorah Mormont
Iain Glen
Tyrion 'The Halfman' Lannister
Peter Dinklage
Sir Jaime 'Kingslayer' Lannister
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Daenerys Targaryen
Emilia Clarke
Arya Stark
Maisie Williams
Sansa Stark
Sophie Turner
Samwell 'Sam' Tarly
John Bradley
Brandon 'Bran' Stark
Isaac Hempstead-Wright
Cersei Lannister
Lena Headey
Davos Seaworth
Liam Cunningham
Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish
Aidan Gillen
Theon Greyjoy
Alfie Allen
Lord Varys
Conleth Hill
Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane
Rory McCann
Jerome Flynn
Grey Worm
Jacob Anderson
Tormund Giantsbane
Kristofer Hivju
Brienne of Tarth
Gwendoline Christie
Nathalie Emmanuel
Bernadette Caulfield
Bryan Cogman
Christopher Newman
Duncan Muggoch
Greg Spence
Guymon Casady
Lisa McAtackney
Mark Huffam
Ralph Vicinanza
Executive Producer
Carolyn Strauss
Executive Producer
David Nutter
Executive Producer
Frank Doelger
Executive Producer
Miguel Sapochnik
David Benioff
D. B. Weiss
George R. R. Martin
Vanessa Taylor
Ramin Djawadi

Game of Thrones Season 4 Overview
Apr 6, 2014 - Jun 15, 2014Season 4 of Game of Thrones has 10 episodes that are available to stream on MAX, Roku and for Rent or Purchase on 6 Services.
Game of Thrones Season 4 Episodes

S04 E10The Children
Jun 15, 2014Jon makes an important decision. Daenerys experiences new consequences. Brienne and Podrick have an unexpected encounter. Bran achieves a goal,...
S04 E10 of Game of Thrones is available to stream on Roku, MAX and for Rent or Purchase on 6 Services.

S04 E09 The Watchers on the Wall
Jun 8, 2014The battle between the Night's Watch and the wildlings has come.
S04 E09 of Game of Thrones is available to stream on Roku, MAX and for Rent or Purchase on 6 Services.

S04 E08 The Mountain and the Viper
Jun 1, 2014Theon helps Ramsay seize Moat Cailin. The wildlings attack Mole's Town. Sansa comes up with a story to protect Lord...
S04 E08 of Game of Thrones is available to stream on Roku, MAX and for Rent or Purchase on 6 Services.
All Seasons of Game of Thrones