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Go BackBattlestar Galactica Season 3
Season 03, Episode 03 Exodus: Part 1

S03 E03

Oct 13, 2006
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Battlestar Galactica

Exodus: Part 1

Release Date: Oct 13, 2006
Episode Description

The secret source in the administration has provided Tyrol with a list of all humans scheduled for extermination. Tyrol's wife Cally is on the list and he sets off to rescue her. Sharon Agathon has made it safely to the planet but they are ambushed by Cylons lying in wait. They realize they were betrayed and Anders finds damning evidence that points to the identity of the traitor. D'Anna Biers has been having strange dreams of late and an oracle tells her that the child Hera is alive and she will hold her in her arms. Roslin meanwhile assigns a squad of men to protect the child at all costs. The Admiral sends the Pegasus away with the few remaining civilian ships to continue the search for Earth.

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