Alma's Way
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More Information on Alma's Way Season 3
Six-year-old Alma Rivera navigates life in the Bronx with her family and diverse friends, sharing relatable experiences while modeling self-awareness, empathy, and responsible decision-making skills. Alma's Way featuring Summer Rose Castillo and Neo Vela has one or more episodes streaming with subscription on Prime Video, streaming with subscription on Hoopla, streaming with subscription on DIRECTV Stream, and 4 others. It's an animation and children show with 78 episodes over 8 seasons. Alma's Way is still airing with no announced date for the next episode or season.
Alma (voice)
Summer Rose Castillo
Junior (voice)
Neo Vela
Mami (voice)
Annie Henk
Chance K. smith
Executive Producer
Ellen Doherty
Executive Producer
Sonia Manzano
Asher Lenz
Fabiola Méndez
Stephen Skratt

Alma's Way Season 3 Overview
Oct 14, 2021 - Dec 13, 2021Season 3 of Alma's Way has 6 episodes that are available to stream on PBS Kids (Free) and for Rent or Purchase on 2 Services.
Alma's Way Season 3 Episodes

S03 E06Alma's Way: Alma's Nochebuena/Three Kings Day Do-Over
Dec 13, 2021Alma must learn a new way to celebrate when her family's Noche Buena traditions don't go as planned; Alma decides...
S03 E06 of Alma's Way is available to stream on PBS Kids (Free) and for Rent or Purchase on 2 Services.

S03 E05 Alma's Way: Alma's New Kicks/Star Ball
Oct 26, 2021Mami surprises Alma with a pair of brand-new soccer cleats. Now Alma must choose: play her best soccer game and...
S03 E05 of Alma's Way is available to stream on PBS Kids (Free) and for Rent or Purchase on 2 Services.

S03 E04 Alma's Way: Junior's Story/Anniversary Surprise
Oct 25, 2021Junior really wants to find a book about a Puerto Rican boy, dinosaurs, and the Bronx, but Alma and Andre...
S03 E04 of Alma's Way is available to stream on PBS Kids (Free) and for Rent or Purchase on 2 Services.
All Seasons of Alma's Way