Exclusion Zone

1989, 50 km from Chernobyl. A group of friends goes on a hike. While rafting down the river, young people go astray and find themselves in the exclusion zone. By chance, on the conscience of the guys is someone else's death and someone else's money. Now events are developing unpredictably. How will each participant of the trip behave? Mutual distrust, fear, jealousy, and a bag of money that can fix--or destroy--everything. Exclusion Zone featuring Aleksandr Golovin and Sergey Tolkach is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a thriller movie.
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1989, 50 km from Chernobyl. A group of friends goes on a hike. While rafting down the river, young people go astray and find themselves in the exclusion zone. By chance, on the conscience of the guys is someone else's death and someone else's money. Now events are developing unpredictably. How will each participant of the trip behave? Mutual distrust, fear, jealousy, and a bag of money that can fix--or destroy--everything. Exclusion Zone featuring Aleksandr Golovin and Sergey Tolkach is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a thriller movie.
Mitry Semenov-Aleinikov
Aleksandr Golovin
Sergey Tolkach
RAF's driver
Igor Sidorchik
Pashka, Artur's brother
Nikita Provalinsky
dead marauder
Pavel Ovsyannikov
Andrey Lipov
Alexandr Demyankov
Andrey Kureychik

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