The Hoodlum Saint

A former reporter returns home after serving in the Army during World War I and discovers that finding work is more difficult than he expected. Desperate, one day he crashes a wedding attended by many of the city's rich and powerful, meets a beautiful girl named Kay Lorrison (Esther Williams), who turns out to be his ticket to meeting those rich and powerful people, and he soon manages to land a job on a newspaper. He gets caught up in the "make money at all costs" game, but receives a rude awakening when the stock market crashes in 1929. The Depression's lows uncovers new plateaus that this vet couldn't foresee while raking in the big bucks. Spiritual nudges help Our Man to finally see the light that money can't buy everything, especially the love and happiness he's been searching for. The Hoodlum Saint featuring William Powell and Esther Williams is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
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More Information on The Hoodlum Saint
A former reporter returns home after serving in the Army during World War I and discovers that finding work is more difficult than he expected. Desperate, one day he crashes a wedding attended by many of the city's rich and powerful, meets a beautiful girl named Kay Lorrison (Esther Williams), who turns out to be his ticket to meeting those rich and powerful people, and he soon manages to land a job on a newspaper. He gets caught up in the "make money at all costs" game, but receives a rude awakening when the stock market crashes in 1929. The Depression's lows uncovers new plateaus that this vet couldn't foresee while raking in the big bucks. Spiritual nudges help Our Man to finally see the light that money can't buy everything, especially the love and happiness he's been searching for. The Hoodlum Saint featuring William Powell and Esther Williams is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
Norman Taurog
Terence Ellerton 'Terry' O'Neill
William Powell
Kay Lorrison
Esther Williams
Dusty Millard
Angela Lansbury
James Gleason
Father Nolan
Lewis Stone
Rags Ragland
Three Finger
Frank McHugh
Father O'Doul
Roman Bohnen
Cy Nolan - O'Neill's Secretary
Charles Arnt
Mike Flaherty
Louis Jean Heydt
Uncle Joe Lorrison
Charles Trowbridge
Lewis J. Malbery
Henry O'Neill
Dave Fernby
William Phillips
Father Duffy
Matt Moore
Rabbi Meyerberg
Trevor Bardette
Reverend Miller
Addison Richards
Tom Dugan
Emma Dunn
Mary Gordon
Ed Collner - Chronicle Reporter
Charles D. Brown
Cliff Reid
Frank Wead
James Hill

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