Switched at Birth

This is the story of the two babies who were switched at birth. A few years later when one of the girls gets sick and tests revealed that she was not the daughter of the couple who raised her. Eventually she dies. And the couple most especially the mother, search for their real daughter. Eventually they suspect that it's a widower who has their child. Now while they try to find out if she is their daughter, the widower is advised by his attorney not to be so hasty to cooperate, cause if she is their daughter, he might lose her, and she is all he has. Switched at Birth featuring Bonnie Bedelia and Brian Kerwin is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
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More Information on Switched at Birth
This is the story of the two babies who were switched at birth. A few years later when one of the girls gets sick and tests revealed that she was not the daughter of the couple who raised her. Eventually she dies. And the couple most especially the mother, search for their real daughter. Eventually they suspect that it's a widower who has their child. Now while they try to find out if she is their daughter, the widower is advised by his attorney not to be so hasty to cooperate, cause if she is their daughter, he might lose her, and she is all he has. Switched at Birth featuring Bonnie Bedelia and Brian Kerwin is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
Waris Hussein
Regina Twigg
Bonnie Bedelia
Robert Mays
Brian Kerwin
Ernest Twigg
John M. Jackson
Eve Gordon
Barbara Mays
Judith Hoag
Gina Twigg, Age 13–16
Alyson Hannigan
Lois Morehead
Caroline McWilliams
Lois Smith
Kelli Williams
Kimberly Mays, Age 9-11
Ariana Richards
Arlena Twigg, Age 9-11
Erika Flores
Ted Marx
Edward Asner
Beth Grant
Frank Hill
Rance Howard
Nurse Ford
Vivian Bonnell
Ruth Mays
Jacqueline Scott
Steven Tate
Andrew Magarian
Nurse Ames
Luana Anders
Lester Dodge, P.I.
John Wesley
Dr. Joynes
Kay Cole
Mrs. Hampton
Stephanie Shroyer
Michael O'Hara

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