Swing Fever

Comedy about a bandleader with hypnotic powers. Swing Fever featuring Kay Kyser and Marilyn Maxwell is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and romance movie.
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More Information on Swing Fever
Comedy about a bandleader with hypnotic powers. Swing Fever featuring Kay Kyser and Marilyn Maxwell is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and romance movie.
Tim Whelan
Lowell Blackford
Kay Kyser
Ginger Gray
Marilyn Maxwell
'Waltzy' Malone
William Gargan
'Killer' Kennedy
Nat Pendleton
Lena Horne
Harry James
Harry James
Tommy Dorsey
Nick Sirocco
Curt Bois
Dan Conlon
Morris Ankrum
Mantan Moreland
Maxie Rosenbloom
Dr. Clyde L. Star
Andrew Tombes
Pamela Blake
Hamburger Vendor
George Chandler
Chester Clute
Vocalist with Kay Kyser Orchestra
Harry Babbitt
Sully Mason
Ish Kabibble (as Ish Kabibble)
M.A. Bogue
Julie Conway
Trudy Erwin
Mr. Nagen
Clyde Fillmore
Irving Starr
Nat Perrin
Warren Wilson

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