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South Dakota

South Dakota

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2h 15m

Barb is a real life "Juno" in South Dakota - a fourteen old high school track star and cheerleader in love with her 15 year old star athlete boyfriend - who allows a single moment of passion to change her forever. Chris is an African American teenager living on the streets of Philadelphia who is pregnant as a result of rape. As each girl wrestles with her pregnancy, the film presents real-life interviews with opposing views about a woman's right to choose... The emotional conclusion of each story leaves audiences with a profoundly new understanding of a woman's right to choose. South Dakota featuring Tessa Thompson and Piper Ferrone is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie.

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More Information on South Dakota

Barb is a real life "Juno" in South Dakota - a fourteen old high school track star and cheerleader in love with her 15 year old star athlete boyfriend - who allows a single moment of passion to change her forever. Chris is an African American teenager living on the streets of Philadelphia who is pregnant as a result of rape. As each girl wrestles with her pregnancy, the film presents real-life interviews with opposing views about a woman's right to choose... The emotional conclusion of each story leaves audiences with a profoundly new understanding of a woman's right to choose. South Dakota featuring Tessa Thompson and Piper Ferrone is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie.






Bruce Isacson

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1 Rating
#179272of all Movies

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Cast & Crew for South Dakota


Bruce Isacson
