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Rings of Fear Poster
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Rings of Fear

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52/1000 Votes
Mystery Thriller 19781h 25m

Angelo Russo, a sixteen year-old girl, is found dead in a river, having been fatally violated with a large blunt instrument. Inspector Di Salvo is assigned to the case and focuses his investigations on St. Theresa's, the exclusive school where Angelo boarded. Three of the murdered girl's classmates, Franca, Paola and Virgina (who call themselves "The Inseparables"), receive threatening poems from an individual using the name "Nemesis". Bizarre "accidents" start to befall the girls: Franca is injured when someone causes her horse to bolt and Virgina nearly breaks her neck on marbles left at the top of a staircase. But Di Salvo is determined to find the killer, even if it means using unorthodox methods. He is aided by Angelo Russo's little sister Emily, whose helpful clues lead to a boutique owned by a dubious character and a vice ring where "rich influential men pay well for teenage favours" ... Rings of Fear featuring Fabio Testi and Christine Kaufmann is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a mystery and thriller movie with an average IMDb audience rating of 5.6 (761 votes).

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:02:00 AM, 04/18/2024 PST


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