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Richard III: The King in the Car Park Poster
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Richard III: The King in the Car Park

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53/1002 Votes
Documentary 20131h 14m

This documentary looks at the search for the remains of King Richard III of England (1452-1485). After being killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field (August 22, 1485), his remains were taken to Leicester and it was believed that he was buried at Greyfriars Church. The church no longer exists and its remains were now believed to be under a car park. Phillipa Langley of the Richard III Society convinced archaeologists at the University of Leicester to lead a dig and surprisingly, as it turned out, the first skeleton they found was subsequently proven to be that of the King through DNA tests which showed a match to Canadian Michael Ibsen, a direct descendant of Richard III's sister. Richard III: The King in the Car Park featuring Simon Farnaby is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a documentary movie with a better than average IMDb audience rating of 7.4 (206 votes).

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:02:46 AM, 04/19/2024 PST


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