Quartett zu fünft

Years ago, a village head in the Hong Kong countryside executed a man for committing adultery by drowning him in the ocean. His mistress, in attempts to flee the village, dies when she plummets into a pool of quicksand. Years later, people swimming in the ocean mysteriously vanishes, and their bodies wash ashore days later. A local policeman named Lu Hsien who practices Taoist magic believes a water ghost (presumably the ghost of the adulterer) is responsible for their deaths. Therefore, he joins forces with his colleague, Wang Hsiao-Ming, to rid the countryside of this demon before he can strike again. However, Hsiao-Ming is unaware that the ghost of the mistress, having risen out of her muddy grave, fell in love with him and will see to it that no other person falls for him. Quartett zu fünft featuring Claus Holm and Yvonne Merin is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and romance movie.
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More Information on Quartett zu fünft
Years ago, a village head in the Hong Kong countryside executed a man for committing adultery by drowning him in the ocean. His mistress, in attempts to flee the village, dies when she plummets into a pool of quicksand. Years later, people swimming in the ocean mysteriously vanishes, and their bodies wash ashore days later. A local policeman named Lu Hsien who practices Taoist magic believes a water ghost (presumably the ghost of the adulterer) is responsible for their deaths. Therefore, he joins forces with his colleague, Wang Hsiao-Ming, to rid the countryside of this demon before he can strike again. However, Hsiao-Ming is unaware that the ghost of the mistress, having risen out of her muddy grave, fell in love with him and will see to it that no other person falls for him. Quartett zu fünft featuring Claus Holm and Yvonne Merin is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and romance movie.
Gerhard Lamprecht
Martin Bergau
Claus Holm
Anne Treibel
Yvonne Merin
Helga Schilling
Ruth Piepho
Irene Gabriel
Inge Keller
Betti Krull
Ursula Rank
Kathrin Winkler
Maria Rouvel
Stefan Winkler
Harry Hindemith
Professor Mangold
Alfred Schieske
Toni Zieseler
Arnold Marquis
Gaston Rockschmieder
Ralph Lothar
Karl Hellmer
Carola Schmidt-Hanke
Charlotte Ritter
Clemens Hasse
Gustav Püttjer
Reinhard Kolldehoff
2. Wachtmeister
Arthur Reinhardt
Martin Rickelt
Erich Conradi
Hans Vietzke
Wolf Neumeister

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