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Pulgasari Poster
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56/1000 Votes
Drama Action & Adventure 19981h 35m

In feudal Korea, the evil King becomes aware that there is a peasant rebellion being planned in the country. He steals all the iron farming tools and cooking pots from the people so that he may make weapons to fend off the peasant army. After he returns the property to the people, an old blacksmith is imprisoned and starved to death. His last creation is a tiny figurine of a monster- Pulgasari, a Godzilla-like creature that eats iron. The blood of his daughter brings the creature to life, and fights with the poor, starving peasants to overthrow the corrupt monarchy. Pulgasari featuring Chang Son Hui and Ham Gi Sop is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's an action & adventure and drama movie with a less than average IMDb audience rating of 5.3 (1,308 votes).

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Currently, Pulgasari is available in Canada

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:01:27 AM, 04/19/2024 PST


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