My Golden Days

Paul is preparing to leave Tajikistan, while thinking back on his adolescent years. His childhood, his mother's madness, the parties, the trip to the USSR where he lost his virginity, the friend who betrayed him and the love of his life. My Golden Days featuring Mathieu Amalric and Lou Roy-Lecollinet is streaming with subscription on Prime Video, streaming with subscription on Kanopy, free on Tubi, and 7 others. It's a drama and romance movie.
Where to Watch
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Currently you are able to watch My Golden Days streaming on Roku, Prime Video, Kanopy, Tubi, Plex, PlutoTV, The Roku Channel, and Freevee (Via Prime Video). It is also possible to buy My Golden Days on Prime Video, and Apple TV or rent it on Prime Video, and Apple TV.
'My Golden Days' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
Currently, My Golden Days is available in the US
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Country | Services | Access with NordVPN |
United States | Tubi, Plex, Prime Video, Freevee (Via Prime Video), PlutoTV, Kanopy, The Roku Channel, Roku | ✅ |
United Kingdom | Not Available | ✅ |
Australia | Not Available | ✅ |
Canada | Not Available | ✅ |
New Zealand | Not Available | ✅ |
Streaming availability last updated: 05:04:56 AM, 02/17/2025 PST
More Information on My Golden Days
Paul is preparing to leave Tajikistan, while thinking back on his adolescent years. His childhood, his mother's madness, the parties, the trip to the USSR where he lost his virginity, the friend who betrayed him and the love of his life. My Golden Days featuring Mathieu Amalric and Lou Roy-Lecollinet is streaming with subscription on Prime Video, streaming with subscription on Kanopy, free on Tubi, and 7 others. It's a drama and romance movie.
Arnaud Desplechin
Paul Dédalus (adult)
Mathieu Amalric
Lou Roy-Lecollinet
Paul Dédalus (adolescent)
Quentin Dolmaire
Léonard Matton
Dinara Drukarova
Jeanne Dédalus, la mère
Cécile Garcia-Fogel
Françoise Lebrun
Mme Sidorov
Irina Vavilova
Abel Dédalus, le père
Olivier Rabourdin
Marc Zylberberg
Elyot Milshtein
Pierre Andrau
Delphine Dédalus
Lily Taïeb
Ivan Dédalus
Raphaël Cohen
Kheifets Gregory
Clémence Le Gall
Gilles Cohen
Stéphane Touitou
Pierre-Benoist Varoclier
Oury Milshtein
Vladimir Agayan
Pascal Caucheteux
Julie Peyr
Grégoire Hetzel
Mike Kourtzer

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