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My Bebe Love: #KiligPaMore Poster
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My Bebe Love: #KiligPaMore

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44/1000 Votes
Romance Comedy 20151h 46m

Dondi is a nerd and an obedient nephew to his aunt Cora who makes decisions for him. Meanwhile, Anna is a stubborn and rebellious girl who seeks the attention of her father Vito. Dondi and Anna cross path and their different personalities collide. They eventually fall in love with each other and solve their own problems. Vito and Cora are bitter business competitors and because of their rivalry, they disapproved the romantic relationship between Dondi and Anna. My Bebe Love: #KiligPaMore featuring Maine Mendoza and Alden Richards is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and romance movie with a low IMDb audience rating of 3.9 (236 votes).

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:01:06 AM, 04/18/2024 PST


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Cast & Crew


Jose Javier Reyes

Director / Writer