Mr. Church

Unique friendship develops when a girl and her dying mother retain the services of a talented cook - Henry Joseph Church. What begins as a six month arrangement instead spans into fifteen years and creates a family bond that lasts forever. Mr. Church featuring Eddie Murphy and Britt Robertson is streaming on MAX, streaming with subscription on fuboTV, available for rent or purchase on Apple TV, and 3 others. It's a comedy and drama movie.
Where to Watch
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Currently you are able to watch Mr. Church streaming on Roku, fuboTV, MAX (Via Hulu), MAX, and MAX (Via Prime Video). It is also possible to buy Mr. Church on Prime Video, Microsoft Store, and Apple TV or rent it on Prime Video, Microsoft Store, and Apple TV.
'Mr. Church' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
Currently, Mr. Church is available in Canada, and the US
If Mr. Church is not available in your country or you're traveling, use NordVPN to access it anywhere. Plus, Reelgood users get 3 months free, making it easier to enjoy your favorite content without interruptions.
Country | Services | Access with NordVPN |
United States | fuboTV, MAX (Via Prime Video), MAX, Roku, MAX (Via Hulu) | ✅ |
United Kingdom | Not Available | ✅ |
Australia | Not Available | ✅ |
Canada | Prime Video, Tubi | ✅ |
New Zealand | Not Available | ✅ |
Streaming availability last updated: 02:02:35 AM, 02/19/2025 PST
More Information on Mr. Church
Unique friendship develops when a girl and her dying mother retain the services of a talented cook - Henry Joseph Church. What begins as a six month arrangement instead spans into fifteen years and creates a family bond that lasts forever. Mr. Church featuring Eddie Murphy and Britt Robertson is streaming on MAX, streaming with subscription on fuboTV, available for rent or purchase on Apple TV, and 3 others. It's a comedy and drama movie.
Bruce Beresford
Henry Church
Eddie Murphy
Charlotte 'Charlie' Brooks
Britt Robertson
Marie Brooks
Natascha McElhone
Xavier Samuel
Lucy Fry
Eddie Larson
Christian Madsen
Mckenna Grace
Young Charlie
Natalie Coughlin
Young Poppy
Madison Wolfe
Young Owen
Lincoln Melcher
Frankie Twiggs
Thom Barry
Michael Leone
Sara Shearer
Aileen Burdock
Courtney Solomon
David Buelow
Lee Nelson
Mark Canton
Executive Producer
Brad Kaplan
Executive Producer
David Anspaugh
Executive Producer
David Tish
Executive Producer
Dennis Pelino
Executive Producer
Lawrence M. Kopeikin
Susan McMartin
Mark Isham

Ratings & Reviews
The Reelgood Score is a comprehensive weighted index designed to evaluate movie & TV quality, deriving its value from a blend of Reelgood user engagement, external ratings metrics expressed through content popularity, and user feedback, including ratings such as "loved," "liked," and "disliked." The score is presented on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 signifies content that is highly esteemed and positively rated within the community.