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Merah Putih

Reelgood Logo
28/1000 Votes
Drama Action & Adventure 20091h 48m

The movie starts with the tough lives of the aforementioned characters in a military school, showing friendship and even competition among them. But the lives of the young cadets changes when Dutch soldiers suddenly attack their camp, tearing them apart. With limited weaponry and forces, they decided to unite to fight against the Dutch and defend their freedom. Combining action, drama, humor, romance, human tragedy and strong personal stories, the movie is aimed at inspiring the new generation with the spirit of the generations before them who fought and sacrificed themselves for the freedoms Indonesia enjoys today. Merah Putih featuring Lukman Sardi and Donny Alamsyah is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's an action & adventure and drama movie with an average IMDb audience rating of 6.1 (356 votes).

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:01:39 AM, 04/18/2024 PST


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