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Looking for Light: Jane Bown Poster
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Looking for Light: Jane Bown

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37/1000 Votes
Documentary 20141h 30m

A revealing portrait of this most self-effacing but great portrait photographer emerges through conversation, anecdote and candid reflection. In the almost six decades that Jane Bown (b 1925) worked for the Observer newspaper, she became renowned for insightful, highly individualistic portraits of the famous. Some of these portraits are now regarded as classics of the genre - Samuel Beckett, Queen Elizabeth, the Beatles, Bertrand Russell, Mick Jagger, Margaret Thatcher, etc. Bown's great mantra is, 'photographers should neither be seen nor heard'. Diminutive in stature and with an all-important ability to blend into the background, Bown was the antithesis of the Fleet Street, macho photojournalist. This feature documentary is a beautiful portrait of both Jane Bown, her determination to succeed in an almost exclusively male world, and her process of working as a photographer. It includes interviews with Rankin, Nobby Clark and Don McCullin and her many iconic photographs of the great and the good (and a few bad) of the twentieth and twenty first centuries. Looking for Light: Jane Bown featuring Rankin and Nobby Clark is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a documentary movie with a better than average IMDb audience rating of 6.8 (50 votes) and was very well received by critics.

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:01:41 AM, 04/19/2024 PST


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