Lemon Tree

The story of a Palestinian widow who must defend her lemontree field when a new Israeli Defense Minister moves next to her and threatens to have her lemon grove torn down. Lemon Tree featuring Hiam Abbass and Tarik Kopty is streaming with subscription on Kanopy. It's a drama movie.
Where to Watch
Currently you are able to watch Lemon Tree streaming on Kanopy.
'Lemon Tree' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
Currently, Lemon Tree is available in the US
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Country | Services | Access with NordVPN |
United States | Kanopy | ✅ |
United Kingdom | Not Available | ✅ |
Australia | Not Available | ✅ |
Canada | Not Available | ✅ |
New Zealand | Not Available | ✅ |
Streaming availability last updated: 02:02:17 AM, 02/08/2025 PST
More Information on Lemon Tree
The story of a Palestinian widow who must defend her lemontree field when a new Israeli Defense Minister moves next to her and threatens to have her lemon grove torn down. Lemon Tree featuring Hiam Abbass and Tarik Kopty is streaming with subscription on Kanopy. It's a drama movie.
Eran Riklis
Selma Zidane
Hiam Abbass
Abu Hussam
Tarik Kopty
Ziad Daud
Ali Suliman
Doron Tavory
Frau des Verteidigungsministers
Rona Lipaz-Michael
Commander Jacob
Amos Lavi
Amnon Wolf
Liron Baranes
Tamar Gera
Smadar Jaaron
Private Itamar 'Quickie'
Danny Leshman
Ayelette Robinson
Nasser Zidane
Loai Nofi
Sigi Navon
Hili Yalon
Abu Kamal
Makram J. Khoury
Simon Hasson
Amos Tamam
Antoine de Clermont-Tonnerre
Bettina Brokemper
David Silber
Leon Edery
Michael Eckelt
Moshe Edery
Executive Producer
Ira Riklis
Suha Arraf

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