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La crise

Reelgood Logo
51/1000 Votes
Drama Children 19931h 35m

When Victor finds out one morning that his wife has left him and neglected to at least buy milk for the kids, he finds that things can only get worse when he's fired from his job on the same day. He ends up searching through a list of friends and family for someone who will listen to his grief and give some advice. The only person who does give him attention is Michou, a clumsy, not-too-intelligent street pauper whom Victor finds irritating. Victor finally sees Michou in a positive light when he realizes that his insensitivity to those closest to him has been a major reason for all his woes. La crise featuring Vincent Lindon and Patrick Timsit is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a children and drama movie with a better than average IMDb audience rating of 6.8 (1,384 votes).

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