
Twice-orphaned Jace, a seven-year-old Albanian of Greek origin, witnesses a massacre that wipes out his entire foster family in Argyrokastron, and then falls in the hands of a bunch of ruthless gangsters who "export" children abroad for various profitable reasons (ranging from beggary to organ trade). Jace ends up in Athens, Greece, begging at street corners, exploring the secret horrors of brutal institutions for young offenders or, much later, serving obscure patrons, in an underworld where violent loss seems to be his only destiny. The movie follows Jace's inverted Odyssey in a dark universe of abuse, murder and fear, as he desperately (and silently) seeks for a "family" of his own or, at least, for a sense of belonging J.A.C.E. featuring Alban Ukaj and Stefania Goulioti is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
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Twice-orphaned Jace, a seven-year-old Albanian of Greek origin, witnesses a massacre that wipes out his entire foster family in Argyrokastron, and then falls in the hands of a bunch of ruthless gangsters who "export" children abroad for various profitable reasons (ranging from beggary to organ trade). Jace ends up in Athens, Greece, begging at street corners, exploring the secret horrors of brutal institutions for young offenders or, much later, serving obscure patrons, in an underworld where violent loss seems to be his only destiny. The movie follows Jace's inverted Odyssey in a dark universe of abuse, murder and fear, as he desperately (and silently) seeks for a "family" of his own or, at least, for a sense of belonging J.A.C.E. featuring Alban Ukaj and Stefania Goulioti is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
Menelaos Karamaghiolis
Alban Ukaj
Stefania Goulioti
Angelos Karras
Argyris Xafis
Ieronymos Kaletsanos
Officer Dimitriou
Minas Hatzisavvas
Kora Karvouni
Dr. Markos Kruger
Akilas Karazisis
Thomas Tepelenis
Yannis Tsortekis
Diogo Infante
Christos Loulis
Franco Trevisi
Officer Banias
Kostas Berikopoulos
Refet Abazi
Jace - Teenager
Giorgos Mellos
Jace - Child
Soma Badekas
Aikaterini Economou
Ceyda Tufan
Fenia Cossovitsa
Konstantina Vonorta
Kostas Lambropoulos
Mete Gümürhan
Pablo Iraola
Pandora da Cunha Telles
Zoran Risteski
Chris Deligiannis

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