I Dreamt Under the Water

Antoine, a handsome boy in his 20s, falls for a straight best friend who does not reciprocate, and being a junkie exits the film quite early. Enter a girl, who seems to make him happy again, after he has tried living as a rent boy with men, having some familial, financial difficulties. But the girl is a junkie too. I Dreamt Under the Water featuring Hubert Benhamdine and Franck Victor is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie.
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Antoine, a handsome boy in his 20s, falls for a straight best friend who does not reciprocate, and being a junkie exits the film quite early. Enter a girl, who seems to make him happy again, after he has tried living as a rent boy with men, having some familial, financial difficulties. But the girl is a junkie too. I Dreamt Under the Water featuring Hubert Benhamdine and Franck Victor is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie.
Hubert Benhamdine
Franck Victor
Caroline Ducey
Hicham Nazzal
la mère d'Antonin
Christine Boisson
Hélène Michel
Patricia / Femme Sif
Éva Ionesco
le déménageur
Hervé P. Gustave
Philippe Arrizabalaga
Sébastien Burnet

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