Gaz de France

France, 2020. President Bird's éminence grise Michel Battement must urgently get the head of state's popularity ratings up to avert the looming fall of the regime. Deep in the cluttered basement of the Elysée Palace, he organizes a secret consultation with the greatest minds in the land. Gaz de France featuring Philippe Katerine and Olivier Rabourdin is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and drama movie.
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France, 2020. President Bird's éminence grise Michel Battement must urgently get the head of state's popularity ratings up to avert the looming fall of the regime. Deep in the cluttered basement of the Elysée Palace, he organizes a secret consultation with the greatest minds in the land. Gaz de France featuring Philippe Katerine and Olivier Rabourdin is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and drama movie.
Benoît Forgeard
Jean-Michel Gambier, le Président Bird
Philippe Katerine
Michel Battement
Olivier Rabourdin
Alka Balbir
Antoine Gouy
Alain Rose-Marine
Philippe Laudenbach
Pierre Caron
Dizier Deschamps
Jean-Luc Vincent
Elizabeth Mazev
Ann Holignal
Anne Steffens
Emmanuel Chaumet
Emmanuel Lautréamont
Laurent Lunetta
Bertrand Burgalat

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