
A horror-movie actor falls in love with the unhappily married young wife of an attorney. Fools featuring Jason Robards and Katharine Ross is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
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A horror-movie actor falls in love with the unhappily married young wife of an attorney. Fools featuring Jason Robards and Katharine Ross is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
Tom Gries
Matthew South
Jason Robards
Anais Appleton
Katharine Ross
David Appleton
Scott Hylands
Man in the Park
Roy Jenson
Man in the Park
Mark Bramhall
Dog Owner
Marc Hannibal
Private Detective
Robert C. Ferro Jr.
Woman in a Restaurant
Floy Dean
Dentist (as Charles Dorsett)
Chuck Dorsett
Laura Ash
Robert Rothwell
Girl in the Movie (as Vera Stough)
Brady Rubin
FBI Agent
James Burr Johnson
FBI Agent
Lou Picetti
FBI Agent
Stu Klitsner
Robin Menken
Christopher Pray
Jack Nance
Woman at Baptism (uncredited)
Suzanne Somers
Henri Bollinger
Robert Yamin
Executive Producer
Pat Rooney
Robert Rudelson

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