Extra Innings

Set against the enchanting backdrop of 1960's Brooklyn, Extra Innings tell the story of a young man who is caught between pursuing his dream and staying devoted to his Syrian Jewish family that is afflicted with mental illness. Extra Innings featuring Geraldine Singer and Aidan Pierce Brennan is streaming with subscription on Peacock Premium, streaming with subscription on Hoopla, free on Tubi, and 8 others. It's a drama movie.
Where to Watch
Currently you are able to watch Extra Innings streaming on Roku, Tubi, Hoopla, Peacock Premium, Peacock, Fawesome, The Roku Channel, and Freevee (Via Prime Video). It is also possible to buy Extra Innings on Prime Video, VUDU, and Apple TV or rent it on Prime Video, VUDU, and Apple TV.
'Extra Innings' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
Currently, Extra Innings is available in the US, and Canada
If Extra Innings is not available in your country or you're traveling, use NordVPN to access it anywhere. Plus, Reelgood users get 3 months free, making it easier to enjoy your favorite content without interruptions.
Country | Services | Access with NordVPN |
United States | Tubi, Roku, Hoopla, Freevee (Via Prime Video), The Roku Channel, Peacock, Peacock Premium, Fawesome | ✅ |
United Kingdom | Not Available | ✅ |
Australia | Not Available | ✅ |
Canada | Hoopla, Tubi | ✅ |
New Zealand | Not Available | ✅ |
Streaming availability last updated: 02:02:36 AM, 02/07/2025 PST
More Information on Extra Innings
Set against the enchanting backdrop of 1960's Brooklyn, Extra Innings tell the story of a young man who is caught between pursuing his dream and staying devoted to his Syrian Jewish family that is afflicted with mental illness. Extra Innings featuring Geraldine Singer and Aidan Pierce Brennan is streaming with subscription on Peacock Premium, streaming with subscription on Hoopla, free on Tubi, and 8 others. It's a drama movie.
Albert Dabah
Brian Drillinger
Geraldine Singer
Young David
Aidan Pierce Brennan
Simone Policano
Erika Longo
Mara Kassin
Alex Walton
Elise Finnerty
Victoria Ric
Robby Ramos
Avery Powers
Uncle Ben
George Zouvelos
Ryan DeLuca
Hospital Visitor
Catherine Parish
Young Vinny
Dylan Pitanza
Young Adam
Gavin Swartz
Jolene Mendes
Rabia Sultana

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The Reelgood Score is a comprehensive weighted index designed to evaluate movie & TV quality, deriving its value from a blend of Reelgood user engagement, external ratings metrics expressed through content popularity, and user feedback, including ratings such as "loved," "liked," and "disliked." The score is presented on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 signifies content that is highly esteemed and positively rated within the community.
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