An Old Maid

A young teacher meets a deaf-mute young stray and takes him in. They develop a delicate relationship of trust. When he returns to his Frankfurt's railway station milieu, the lonely woman follows him and makes a disturbing discovery. An Old Maid featuring Fritzi Haberlandt and Matthias Schweighöfer is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
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A young teacher meets a deaf-mute young stray and takes him in. They develop a delicate relationship of trust. When he returns to his Frankfurt's railway station milieu, the lonely woman follows him and makes a disturbing discovery. An Old Maid featuring Fritzi Haberlandt and Matthias Schweighöfer is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
Hendrik Handloegten
Henriette Sachs
Fritzi Haberlandt
Stipe Erceg
Dr. Oelschläger
Justus von Dohnányi
Frau von Trottenberg
Ingrid van Bergen
Herr Nolde
Ernst Stankovski
Oona von Maydell
Frau Irene Nolde
Katharina Matz
Mutter von Nicola
Barbara Philipp
Mark Waschke

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