Do Not Disturb

Michel, who's crazy about jazz, has just found a rare album that he dreams of quietly listening to in his living room. But the world seems to have conspired against him: his wife chooses this moment to divulge an ill-timed revelation, his adult son makes a surprise visit, one of his friends knocks on the door, while his mother keeps calling him on his smartphone. Not to mention that today the residents in his apartment building are holding their annual House Party. Manipulative and a liar, Michel is ready to do anything to have a moment of peace and quiet. Is it still possible, in this day and age, to just have one hour of peace? Do Not Disturb featuring Christian Clavier and Carole Bouquet is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy movie.
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'Do Not Disturb' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
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Streaming availability last updated: 04:21:07 AM, 02/06/2025 PST
More Information on Do Not Disturb
Michel, who's crazy about jazz, has just found a rare album that he dreams of quietly listening to in his living room. But the world seems to have conspired against him: his wife chooses this moment to divulge an ill-timed revelation, his adult son makes a surprise visit, one of his friends knocks on the door, while his mother keeps calling him on his smartphone. Not to mention that today the residents in his apartment building are holding their annual House Party. Manipulative and a liar, Michel is ready to do anything to have a moment of peace and quiet. Is it still possible, in this day and age, to just have one hour of peace? Do Not Disturb featuring Christian Clavier and Carole Bouquet is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy movie.
Patrice Leconte
Michel Leproux
Christian Clavier
Nathalie Leproux
Carole Bouquet
Valérie Bonneton
Rossy de Palma
Stéphane De Groodt
Sébastien Leproux
Sébastien Castro
Christian Charmetant
Michel's Father
Jean-Pierre Marielle
Béatrice Michel
Marc Missonnier
Olivier Delbosc
Executive Producer
Christine De Jekel
Florian Zeller
Éric Neveux

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