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1h 21m

Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons. Calmos featuring Jean-Pierre Marielle and Jean Rochefort is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy movie.

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Streaming availability last updated: 02:03:03 AM, 02/07/2025 PST

More Information on Calmos

Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons. Calmos featuring Jean-Pierre Marielle and Jean Rochefort is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy movie.






Bertrand Blier

Suzanne Dufour

Brigitte Fossey

l'abbé Emile

Bernard Blier

un maquisard

Claude Piéplu

un type frileux

Gérard Jugnot

la médecin-chef

Sylvie Joly

la femme myope

Dominique Lavanant

la patiente du gynécologue

Claudine Beccarie

le chanoine

Pierre Bertin

Simone, capitaine des soldates

Dora Doll


Micheline Kahn

un maquisard

Michel Peyrelon

une employée

Marthe Villalonga

une soldate

Liliane Rovère

une infirmière

Jenny Arasse

une infirmière

Nicole Garcia

une soldate

Marie Pillet

un maquisard

Jacques Denis

un maquisard

Jacques Rispal

la gardienne au chronomètre

Françoise Bertin

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Cast & Crew for Calmos


Bertrand Blier

Director / Writer