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Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters Poster
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Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters

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64/1001 Votes
Drama Comedy 20071h 35m

Together with his teenage sister and a horde of orphans, young Guy Maddin lazes away his under-stimulated youth on the mysterious island he will someday inherit. In the lighthouse orphanage in which they all live, their every move is watched over by their overbearing and tyrannical mother while their father, a scientist and inventor, works away secretively in the basement. When new adoptive parents discover mysterious head wounds on their children, teen detectives Wendy and Chance Hale - brother and sister sleuths known as the "Lightbulb Kids" - visit the island to launch an investigation. As the investigation progresses, the kids are led into the darkest regions of revelation and repression as the terrible secrets of Guy's family are revealed. Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters featuring Isabella Rossellini and Erik Steffen Maahs is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and drama movie with a better than average IMDb audience rating of 7.3 (3,623 votes) and was very well received by critics.

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'Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere

Currently, Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters is available in Canada

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Streaming availability last updated: 03:02:48 AM, 04/19/2024 PST


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Cast & Crew


Guy Maddin

Director / Writer