Border Radio

Before carving out a niche as one of the most distinct voices in nineties American cinema, Allison Anders made her debut, alongside codirectors and fellow UCLA film school students Kurt Voss and Dean Lent, with 1987’s Border Radio. A low-key, semi-improvised postpunk diary that took four years to complete, Border Radio features legendary rocker Chris D., of the Flesh Eaters, as a singer/songwriter who has stolen loot from a club and gone missing, leaving his wife (Luanna Anders), a no-nonsense rock journalist, to track him down with the help of his friends (John Doe of the band X; Chris Shearer). With its sprawling Southern Californian and Mexican landscapes, captured in evocative 16mm black and white, Border Radio is a singular, DIY memento of the indie film explosion in America. Border Radio featuring Chris D. and Luanna Anders is streaming with subscription on The Criterion Channel, and streaming with subscription on Kanopy. It's a drama movie.
Where to Watch
Currently you are able to watch Border Radio streaming on The Criterion Channel, and Kanopy.
'Border Radio' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
Currently, Border Radio is available in the US, and Canada
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Country | Services | Access with NordVPN |
United States | Kanopy, The Criterion Channel | ✅ |
United Kingdom | Not Available | ✅ |
Australia | Not Available | ✅ |
Canada | The Criterion Channel | ✅ |
New Zealand | Not Available | ✅ |
Streaming availability last updated: 02:02:55 AM, 02/11/2025 PST
More Information on Border Radio
Before carving out a niche as one of the most distinct voices in nineties American cinema, Allison Anders made her debut, alongside codirectors and fellow UCLA film school students Kurt Voss and Dean Lent, with 1987’s Border Radio. A low-key, semi-improvised postpunk diary that took four years to complete, Border Radio features legendary rocker Chris D., of the Flesh Eaters, as a singer/songwriter who has stolen loot from a club and gone missing, leaving his wife (Luanna Anders), a no-nonsense rock journalist, to track him down with the help of his friends (John Doe of the band X; Chris Shearer). With its sprawling Southern Californian and Mexican landscapes, captured in evocative 16mm black and white, Border Radio is a singular, DIY memento of the indie film explosion in America. Border Radio featuring Chris D. and Luanna Anders is streaming with subscription on The Criterion Channel, and streaming with subscription on Kanopy. It's a drama movie.
Allison Anders
Dean Lent
Kurt Voss
Chris D.
Luanna Anders
Chris Shearer
John Doe
Devon Anders
Dave Alvin
Texacala Jones
Marcus DeLeon

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