Baby Blues
Dinda decides to stop working to take care of her newborn baby, while Dika is working hard to support her family. It turns out that having children is not what they both imagined. The intervention of the mother-in-law, Dance Mother, adds to the stress level. The accumulation of all this makes Dinda experience Baby Blues syndrome which slowly hurts Dinda and Dika's relationship. In the climax, Dinda's unintentional request was granted: they swap bodies. They must learn to understand and understand each other. Baby Blues featuring Vino G. Bastian and Aurélie Moeremans is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie.
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More Information on Baby Blues
Dinda decides to stop working to take care of her newborn baby, while Dika is working hard to support her family. It turns out that having children is not what they both imagined. The intervention of the mother-in-law, Dance Mother, adds to the stress level. The accumulation of all this makes Dinda experience Baby Blues syndrome which slowly hurts Dinda and Dika's relationship. In the climax, Dinda's unintentional request was granted: they swap bodies. They must learn to understand and understand each other. Baby Blues featuring Vino G. Bastian and Aurélie Moeremans is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie.
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