
Baaria is Sicilian slang for Bagheria where Tornatore was born and this is an autobiographic epic of three generations in the Sicilian village where he was born. Baaria featuring Francesco Scianna and Margareth Madè is free on Plex. It's a drama and romance movie.
Where to Watch
Currently you are able to watch Baaria streaming on Plex.
'Baaria' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
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Streaming availability last updated: 02:00:35 AM, 02/15/2025 PST
More Information on Baaria
Baaria is Sicilian slang for Bagheria where Tornatore was born and this is an autobiographic epic of three generations in the Sicilian village where he was born. Baaria featuring Francesco Scianna and Margareth Madè is free on Plex. It's a drama and romance movie.
Giuseppe Tornatore
Francesco Scianna
Margareth Madè
Lina Sastri
Sarina adulta
Ángela Molina
Nicole Grimaudo
Nino Terranuova
Salvatore Ficarra
Luigi Scalia
Valentino Picone
Ciccio Terranuova
Gaetano Aronica
Pietro da Ragazzo
Marco Iermanò
don Giacinto
Lollo Franco
Gisella Marengo
giornalista romano
Raoul Bova
Aldo Baglio
maestro di catechismo
Paolo Briguglia
Onofrio Pace
Fabrizio Romano
Luigi Maria Burruano
Laura Chiatti
Giorgio Faletti
Donatella Finocchiaro
venditore dollari
Beppe Fiorello
Giampaolo Letta
Mario Spedaletti
Executive Producer
Mario Cotone
Ennio Morricone

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