Basque Country, 1609. The men of the region are at sea and Amaia takes part for the first time in the nightly dances in the woods with the other villager girls. She is only 20. At dawn, they are all arrested. Coven featuring Alex Brendemühl and Amaia Aberasturi is streaming with subscription on Netflix, and streaming with subscription on Netflix with Ads. It's a drama and history movie.
Where to Watch
Currently you are able to watch Coven streaming on Netflix, and Netflix with Ads.
'Coven' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
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Country | Services | Access with NordVPN |
United States | Netflix, Netflix with Ads | ✅ |
United Kingdom | Netflix with Ads, Netflix | ✅ |
Australia | Netflix with Ads, Netflix | ✅ |
Canada | Netflix, Netflix with Ads | ✅ |
New Zealand | Netflix | ✅ |
Streaming availability last updated: 02:00:53 AM, 01/22/2025 PST
More Information on Coven
Basque Country, 1609. The men of the region are at sea and Amaia takes part for the first time in the nightly dances in the woods with the other villager girls. She is only 20. At dawn, they are all arrested. Coven featuring Alex Brendemühl and Amaia Aberasturi is streaming with subscription on Netflix, and streaming with subscription on Netflix with Ads. It's a drama and history movie.
Pablo Agüero
Alex Brendemühl
Daniel Fanego
Garazi Urkola
Yune Nogueiras
Jone Laspiur
Lorea Ibarra
Father Cristóbal
Asier Oruesagasti
Mrs. Lara
Elena Uriz
Jeanne Insausti
Daniel Chamorro
Iñigo de la Iglesia
Ulises Di Roma
Mrs. Lara's Handmaid #1
Amalia Robin
Mrs. Lara's Handmaid #2
Amaia Azkue
Teresa Achalandabaso
Cristina Yélamos
Young Man
Kiko Rossi
Fred Prémiel
Katell Guillou
Aránzazu Calleja
Maite Arrotajauregi
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The Reelgood Score is a comprehensive weighted index designed to evaluate movie & TV quality, deriving its value from a blend of Reelgood user engagement, external ratings metrics expressed through content popularity, and user feedback, including ratings such as "loved," "liked," and "disliked." The score is presented on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 signifies content that is highly esteemed and positively rated within the community.