Affairs of a Gentleman

When a novelist is murdered, suspicion falls on all the women he had affairs with--and then wrote about in his books. Affairs of a Gentleman featuring Paul Lukas and Leila Hyams is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
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More Information on Affairs of a Gentleman
When a novelist is murdered, suspicion falls on all the women he had affairs with--and then wrote about in his books. Affairs of a Gentleman featuring Paul Lukas and Leila Hyams is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
Edwin L. Marin
Victor Gresham
Paul Lukas
Gladys Durland
Leila Hyams
Jean Sinclair
Patricia Ellis
Carter Vaughn
Phillip Reed
Lyn Durland
Onslow Stevens
Nan Fitzgerald
Dorothy Burgess
Carlotta Barbe
Lilian Bond
Foxey Dennison
Joyce Compton
Murray Kinnell
Gail Melville
Dorothy Libaire
Paul Q. Bindar
Richard Carle
Frances Bennett - Gresham's Secretary
Sara Haden
Inspector Quillan
Charles C. Wilson
Bindar's Secretary
Marcia Remy
Board Member
Frank McLure
Carl Laemmle Jr.
Cyril Hume
Milton Krims
Peter Ruric

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