Adrian Frutiger: Typeface Designer

In his own special field as a designer of typefaces, Adrian Frutiger has left his mark on the second half of the 20th century. His professional peers speak of Frutiger as a living legend. To the general public however he remains unknown, even though every day they may come face to face with his work in one form or another, as lettering for texts, logos and corporate images for the post office, museums and institutions of all kinds, airports and metropolitan railways. Frutiger has never sought fame, only to design typefaces that are efficient and easy on the eye. In designing typefaces he does not attempt to be trendy. Letters are a tool, a vehicle for the transportation of thought. Adrian Frutiger: Typeface Designer is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a documentary movie.
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More Information on Adrian Frutiger: Typeface Designer
In his own special field as a designer of typefaces, Adrian Frutiger has left his mark on the second half of the 20th century. His professional peers speak of Frutiger as a living legend. To the general public however he remains unknown, even though every day they may come face to face with his work in one form or another, as lettering for texts, logos and corporate images for the post office, museums and institutions of all kinds, airports and metropolitan railways. Frutiger has never sought fame, only to design typefaces that are efficient and easy on the eye. In designing typefaces he does not attempt to be trendy. Letters are a tool, a vehicle for the transportation of thought. Adrian Frutiger: Typeface Designer is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a documentary movie.
Anne Cuneo

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