Accidente 703

Hector travels with Luisa by the road linking Madrid with Barcelona. When another car suddenly crosses his path, his vehicle leaves the road and plunges into a tree. Hector dies and she is seriously injured. The other car was occupied by Jorge and Paula, her lover. Several vehicles cross before the car crash and do not stop, each for a different reason. Among them is Julio, a truck driver who does not stop in order to reach his destination on time, not knowing that at the wrecked car travels his old girlfriend. Accidente 703 featuring Nuria Torray and Carlos Estrada is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
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More Information on Accidente 703
Hector travels with Luisa by the road linking Madrid with Barcelona. When another car suddenly crosses his path, his vehicle leaves the road and plunges into a tree. Hector dies and she is seriously injured. The other car was occupied by Jorge and Paula, her lover. Several vehicles cross before the car crash and do not stop, each for a different reason. Among them is Julio, a truck driver who does not stop in order to reach his destination on time, not knowing that at the wrecked car travels his old girlfriend. Accidente 703 featuring Nuria Torray and Carlos Estrada is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama movie.
José María Forqué
Nuria Torray
Jorge Castro
Carlos Estrada
Esposa del fallecido en accidente
Julia Gutiérrez Caba
Carlos Cores
Enrique 'Quiquito'
José Luis López Vázquez
Manolo Gómez Bur
Maite Blasco
Guadalupe Muñoz Sampedro
Manuel Alexandre
Don Jesús
José Orjas
José María Caffarel
Francisco Cornet
Luchy Altamira
Irán Eory
Ángela Bravo
Carlos Ballesteros
Lola Herrera
Guardia Civil de tráfico
Jesús Puente
Pedro Masó
Vicente Coello

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