A Chef in Love

The story of Pascal Ichak, a larger-than-life French traveller, bon vivant, and chef, who falls in love with Georgia and a Georgian princess in the early 1920s. All is well until the arrival of the Red Army of the Caucasus, as the Soviet revolution that has swept Russian comes to Georgia. Told as a flashback from the present, as a French-Georgian man whose mother was Pascal's lover translates his memoirs for Pascal's niece. A Chef in Love featuring Pierre Richard and Micheline Presle is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie was met with mixed reviews by critics.
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More Information on A Chef in Love
The story of Pascal Ichak, a larger-than-life French traveller, bon vivant, and chef, who falls in love with Georgia and a Georgian princess in the early 1920s. All is well until the arrival of the Red Army of the Caucasus, as the Soviet revolution that has swept Russian comes to Georgia. Told as a flashback from the present, as a French-Georgian man whose mother was Pascal's lover translates his memoirs for Pascal's niece. A Chef in Love featuring Pierre Richard and Micheline Presle is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a drama and romance movie was met with mixed reviews by critics.
Nana Dzhordzhadze
Pascal Ichak
Pierre Richard
Marcelle Ichak
Micheline Presle
Cecilia Abachidze
Nino Kirtadzé
Anton Gogoladze
Jean-Yves Gautier
Zigmund Gogladze
Temuri Qamkhadze
Anton Gogoladze
Ramaz Chkhikvadze
Le Président
Kakhi Kavsadze
Guram Pirtskhalava
Mme Kollontai
Khatuna Ioseliani
Secrétaire à la tête rasée
Marina Kakhiani
Nino Koberidze
L'ami de ZIgmund
Shota Qristesashvili
Goga Gvessiliani
Aleksandr Ilin
Gogola Kalandadze
Le grand-père
Elguja Burduli
Alexander Rodnyansky
Irakli Kvirikadze

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