9, le film

De pakjesboot vertrekt zonder Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas moet in een race tegen de klok de pakjesboot inhalen, het opnemen tegen boeven en zorgen dat de kinderen hun cadeautjes krijgen. 9, le film featuring Simon Alain and Laurie Ève Allard is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy movie.
Where to Watch
'9, le film' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
Currently, 9, le film is not available in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
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Streaming availability last updated: 02:01:04 AM, 02/19/2025 PST
More Information on 9, le film
De pakjesboot vertrekt zonder Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas moet in een race tegen de klok de pakjesboot inhalen, het opnemen tegen boeven en zorgen dat de kinderen hun cadeautjes krijgen. 9, le film featuring Simon Alain and Laurie Ève Allard is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy movie.
Claude Brie
Éric Tessier
Erik Canuel
Jean-Philippe Duval
Luc Picard
Marc Labrèche
Micheline Lanctôt
Ricardo Trogi
Stéphane E. Roy
Acteur - Père de famille
Simon Alain
Actrice - Petite fille
Laurie Ève Allard
Charlotte Aubin
Magalie Lépine-Blondeau
Anne-Élisabeth Bossé
Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc
François Papineau
Francine Pilote

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The Reelgood Score is a comprehensive weighted index designed to evaluate movie & TV quality, deriving its value from a blend of Reelgood user engagement, external ratings metrics expressed through content popularity, and user feedback, including ratings such as "loved," "liked," and "disliked." The score is presented on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 signifies content that is highly esteemed and positively rated within the community.
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