31 Days

31 Dias (31 Days) is the story of Eva (Irán Castillo), a young and beautiful psychologist and author of a series of self-help books about modern women and their love relationships. For her next bestseller she has decided to prove her most daring theory: After the first 30 days together love ends, so the only way to have a meaningful relationship in this new millennium is when the couple part ways after the first month. At a magazine's photo session Eva meets Adam (Lorenzo Balducci), an attractive Italian photographer, and she decides he's perfect as her study subject. She will live a very intense relationship with Adam during 31 days, in order to prove her theory is right. However, what she is not aware of is that Adam is using her own advice from her books in order to make her fall in love with him and teach her a lesson. What neither of them suspects is that they'll come to learn that love has no rules. 31 Days featuring Irán Castillo and Lorenzo Balducci is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and romance movie.
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More Information on 31 Days
31 Dias (31 Days) is the story of Eva (Irán Castillo), a young and beautiful psychologist and author of a series of self-help books about modern women and their love relationships. For her next bestseller she has decided to prove her most daring theory: After the first 30 days together love ends, so the only way to have a meaningful relationship in this new millennium is when the couple part ways after the first month. At a magazine's photo session Eva meets Adam (Lorenzo Balducci), an attractive Italian photographer, and she decides he's perfect as her study subject. She will live a very intense relationship with Adam during 31 days, in order to prove her theory is right. However, what she is not aware of is that Adam is using her own advice from her books in order to make her fall in love with him and teach her a lesson. What neither of them suspects is that they'll come to learn that love has no rules. 31 Days featuring Irán Castillo and Lorenzo Balducci is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a comedy and romance movie.
Erika Grediaga
Eva Sagarrondo
Irán Castillo
Adam di Melo
Lorenzo Balducci
Alejandra Gollas
Karla Souza
Magdalena Caravallo
Alberto Agnesi
Pedro Mira
Alvaro González Kuhn
Denisse Liaño Goes
Jose Antonio Hernandez
Sandro Halphen

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