25 años de democracia: Crónica de la transición
Kyung-ho is a genius computer programmer who manages the on-line networks of all banks in Korea. One day, he accidentally runs into a man, John, who is an attractive businessman. John invites Kyung-ho to experience his lifestyle in high society. Through these lavish escapades, Kyung-ho is awakened to his hidden desires. As Kyung-ho finds out about a secret project John is working on, John asks him to join him in a plan to illegally withdraw small amounts of money from all the bank accounts across Korea by using Kyung-ho’s genius computer programming skills. With absolute trust in John, Kyung-ho finally joins this huge con game against Korea. Will John and Kyung-ho, who dream of being on top of the world, be the winners of this game? 25 años de democracia: Crónica de la transición featuring Luis Brandoni and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a documentary movie.
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More Information on 25 años de democracia: Crónica de la transición
Kyung-ho is a genius computer programmer who manages the on-line networks of all banks in Korea. One day, he accidentally runs into a man, John, who is an attractive businessman. John invites Kyung-ho to experience his lifestyle in high society. Through these lavish escapades, Kyung-ho is awakened to his hidden desires. As Kyung-ho finds out about a secret project John is working on, John asks him to join him in a plan to illegally withdraw small amounts of money from all the bank accounts across Korea by using Kyung-ho’s genius computer programming skills. With absolute trust in John, Kyung-ho finally joins this huge con game against Korea. Will John and Kyung-ho, who dream of being on top of the world, be the winners of this game? 25 años de democracia: Crónica de la transición featuring Luis Brandoni and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates. It's a documentary movie.
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