11 Flowers
11-year-old Wang lives with his family in a remote village in China. Life is tough, but they make the most of what little they have. When Wang is selected to lead his school's daily gymnastics, his teacher recommends that he wear a new shirt, which forces his family to make a great sacrifice. Soon after, Wang encounters a wounded man on the run and their fates are intertwined. 11 Flowers featuring Liu Wenqing and Yan Ni is streaming with subscription on Fandor (Via Prime Video), and streaming with subscription on Kanopy. It's a crime and drama movie.
Where to Watch
Currently you are able to watch 11 Flowers streaming on Kanopy, and Fandor (Via Prime Video).
'11 Flowers' Streaming: How to Watch Anywhere
Currently, 11 Flowers is available in the US
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Country | Services | Access with NordVPN |
United States | Kanopy, Fandor (Via Prime Video) | ✅ |
United Kingdom | Not Available | ❌ |
Australia | Not Available | ❌ |
Canada | Not Available | ❌ |
New Zealand | Not Available | ❌ |
Streaming availability last updated: 11:46:20 PM, 01/16/2025 PST
More Information on 11 Flowers
11-year-old Wang lives with his family in a remote village in China. Life is tough, but they make the most of what little they have. When Wang is selected to lead his school's daily gymnastics, his teacher recommends that he wear a new shirt, which forces his family to make a great sacrifice. Soon after, Wang encounters a wounded man on the run and their fates are intertwined. 11 Flowers featuring Liu Wenqing and Yan Ni is streaming with subscription on Fandor (Via Prime Video), and streaming with subscription on Kanopy. It's a crime and drama movie.
Wang Xiaoshuai
Wang Han
Liu Wenqing
Yan Ni
Jue Hong
Shini Mo
Wang Jingchun
Yu Yue
Frere de Wei Jun
Qiao Renliang
Wang Ziyi
La Souris
Guo Liuxing Zhong
La Teigne
Kexuan Zhang
Wei Jun
Yihao Lou
Didar Domehri
Isabelle Glachant
Lao Ni
Ratings & Reviews
The Reelgood Score is a comprehensive weighted index designed to evaluate movie & TV quality, deriving its value from a blend of Reelgood user engagement, external ratings metrics expressed through content popularity, and user feedback, including ratings such as "loved," "liked," and "disliked." The score is presented on a scale from 1 to 100, where 100 signifies content that is highly esteemed and positively rated within the community.
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